The Online Mentorship Community for Go-Givers

The Online Mentorship Community for

Let’s Connect, Grow, and Succeed Together…
The Go-Giver Way!

The Go-Giver

If you enjoyed following Joe’s journey from frustrated go-getter to stratospherically successful Go-Giver, you’re in the right place. Welcome!

The Go-Giver has touched millions of lives with its story about how much more fun, fulfilling, and profitable business — and life — can be when you shift your focus from getting to giving.

But you may have wondered… “How do I actually apply all of this?”

Joining The Go-Giver Success Alliance Mentorship Community is How!

“Changing my focus from seeing what I could get to what I could give was when my career started to take off … but in any business, you also need to know how to develop a network.”

—Sam Rosen, from The Go-Giver

"That time has become one of my favorite parts of my month."

Jeff C. West, President, West Marketing Group, Inc.

Applying The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success

In the story, Pindar shared with Joe the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success: Value; Compensation; Influence; Authenticity; and Receptivity. 

In other words, creating value, touching lives, building networks, being real, and staying open to receive…The Go-Giver Way.

But Joe’s life and business only began to change when he applied each of the Five Laws and built a network of people who were personally invested in seeing him succeed.

And that’s what is waiting for you here in the Go-Giver Community Success Alliance. 

Successful leaders, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals in various, different fields all come together to connect, problem-solve, strategize, collaborate, and mastermind with YOU on an ongoing, weekly basis.


The Go-Giver Way
Bob and Kathy

Your hosts Bob Burg (aka Maxwell Smart, Agent 86) &
Kathy Tagenel (aka Agent 99)

All of this is orchestrated by Bob Burg and Kathy Tagenel, with a background of The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success from the international bestseller, The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann.

Key is the relationships you will build that not only will develop during the monthly live Zoom session but will carry over and result in lifelong friendships and many additional connections facilitated by those in your network of Personal Walking Ambassadors.

Bob and Kathy can’t wait to have you join them.

And they’re delighted to share their expertise to help you connect, grow, and succeed…The Go-Giver Way!

The Go-Giver Success Alliance

This online business mentorship community is the first of its kind and was created by and for Go-Givers.

The Go-Giver Success Alliance Mentorship Community Is:

“As much as anything, The Go-Giver Success Alliance is an oasis where you, as a leader often under pressure to counsel and mentor others, can take a breather,  plug back into a powerful energy source, and come back refreshed and ready to lead, sell, and prosper.”

— Bob Burg & Kathy Tagenel

Expert Guidance for Genuine Influence

Bob Burg knows how to build a thriving, sustainable business by developing a strong network…and he understands how overwhelming that can feel.

Reflecting on the success he achieved in sales and business by developing genuine relationships, he wrote the classic, Endless Referrals: Network Your Everyday Contacts into Sales.

Bob defines it this way:

“Networking is the cultivating of mutually beneficial, give-and-receive, win-win relationships.”

Bob Burg
In fact, he’s been speaking to audiences for decades about exactly that:
Kathy Tagenel

Bob’s indispensable collaborative partner is Kathy Tagenel (a.k.a. “Agent 99”), a business strategist and Kolbe Certified Consultant who helps entrepreneurs create an exceptional culture and live their core values…The Go-Giver Way!

Together, Bob and Kathy will help you:

“Our mission is to grow The Go-Giver Success Alliance Mentorship Community and show the world that immense prosperity is what you RECEIVE when you focus on GIVING immense value to others!”

— Bob Burg & Kathy Tagenel

Ready to Become a Member?

What You Receive When You Join
The Go-Giver Success Alliance


Like trees in a forest, we may appear separate from one another…but if we could look below the surface, we’d see an intricate network of roots that connect us all. The Go-Giver Success Alliance Mentorship Community is rooted in genuine relationships, which Bob & Kathy will help you develop within the Community and beyond.


With a network of “roots” or values uniting us, Bob will help you communicate authentically and achieve your desired outcomes in such a way that the person you’re communicating with feels genuinely good about themselves, about the situation, and about you!


A global community of Go-Givers is fertile soil. By giving immense value to fellow members and receiving in kind, you’ll sow the seeds of your next project, product concept, business venture…really anything you want to grow abundantly.

7-Day Challenge
Succeeding The Go-Giver Way

When you set out to create a new, positive habit, such as building your business The Go-Giver Way, knowing how best to get started is often the hardest part.

That’s why when you become a member of The Go-Giver Success Alliance Mentorship Community you’ll now receive our 7-Day Challenge: Succeeding The Go-Giver Way, where Bob and Kathy will help you to not only understand but apply each of The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success, step by step.

You might remember that Pindar’s condition for sharing each Law with Joe was that Joe “must apply each Law right away, the same day you first learn it.”

By accepting our 7-Day Challenge as a new TGGSA Member, you’ll build extraordinary relationships inside The Go-Giver Community and open yourself up to remarkable opportunities…from everywhere!

Exclusive Bonus!

VIP Access

Conversations with Legends

Imagine you’ve just finished reading Steven M.R. Covey’s bestseller, Trust and Inspire: How Truly Great Leaders Unleash Greatness in Others. You love the message of the book, but applying its wisdom in your own life feels daunting.

Thanks to Bob’s decades-long commitment to growing and nurturing his professional network, he’s developed relationships with renowned authors, elite business leaders, and world-class entrepreneurs.

In this video series, “Conversations with Legends,” you’ll get a front row seat for thought-provoking discussions on success, influence, leadership, mentoring, and sales with Steven M.R. Covey, Jeffrey Gitomer, Alison Levine, David Neagle, Dondi Scumaci, and Jeff C. West!

Now for the very best part…

You’ll receive all of the benefits above AND this special bonus for ONLY


Want Even MORE Value?

Choose the annual membership option and save $414...
plus receive these additional free bonuses valued at $394!

Selling The Go-Giver Way Online Course

Selling The Go-Giver Way Online Course
In this 4-video online course Bob reveals: The Truth About Selling, The Truth About Closing and Objections, How to Become ObjectionProof™, and The 2 Keys to Success and Profitability. Discover how much MORE funLESS stressful, and MORE profitable selling can be! ( A $97 value)

Defining Success Video Program

Defining Success

In this 90-minute video program, you can learn how to take negative traits that may not be serving you and turn them into some of your greatest strengths.

When Bob began applying this in his life about 25 years ago, the changes in his personal effectiveness and his financial results were more than significant—they were life-altering. (A $297 value).

Frequently Asked Questions

Out of respect for your time, The Go-Giver Success Alliance Mentorship Community is deliberately structured to make every moment you commit to building your network of Personal Walking Ambassadors count.

While only you can decide what’s the best use of your time, here’s our promise to you: Whether it’s the 5-10 minutes you spend connecting with a potential customer or following up with a referral partner inside the membership community; or the enlightening 90-minutes you spend during the Coffee & Conversations with Bob (or listening to the replays), we’ll provide you with such immense value that you’ll want to MAKE the time.

And if it doesn’t fit your schedule, you’re welcome to cancel your membership at any time with the option of resuming when/if it’s more convenient for you.

Because the purpose of The Go-Giver Success Alliance Mentorship Community is to provide an environment where you can consistently develop genuine relationships with “warm” contacts, you’ll find that it often brings about positive results in less time than “cold” outreach and business-building tactics that, while they can be effective, generally rely more on quantity rather than quality.

Authentic relationships with people who know, like, and trust you are like gifts that keep on giving. They result in referrals, opportunities, and leads that you don’t have to spend time generating yourself.

In other words, regularly engaging with this community ultimately saves you time.

Hosting The Go-Giver Success Alliance Mentorship Community on our own platform (and NOT on Facebook or LinkedIn) was a deliberate choice.

Creating a distraction-free environment where you can feel welcome to be your authentic self is one reason why our members love it here…

And having highly engaged community managers and the direct leadership of Bob and Kathy, who are experts in the fields of influence and communication as well as community design, is yet another.

Even if you’re just starting out or starting over from scratch, you have more than enough to offer inside this community. Your positive energy, empathy, understanding, shared experience, encouraging words… they’re all appreciated more than you know. 

The Go-Giver Success Alliance Mentorship Community is the optimal place to begin building (or rebuilding) your network because of the incredibly supportive and generous businesspeople who are rooting for your success. 

In other words, there’s no catch-22 here; you don’t need a network before you can connect and add value to a network. The Go-Giver Success Alliance Mentorship Community exists to help grow your business…and to help you grow, too.

Joining The Go-Giver Success Alliance Mentorship Community is an investment in yourself and in your business, which yields exponential rewards that continue for years after you become a member. 

Because Bob and Kathy believe that you should receive much more in value than what you pay for your membership, if you don’t feel 100% satisfied that you’ve received far more in value than what you paid within 30 days of becoming a member, they insist that you allow them to refund your money—no questions asked.

Immediately after you join, you’ll receive an email with your access to The Go-Giver Success Alliance Mentorship Community within The Go-Giver Academy.

When you log in, click on The Go-Giver Success Alliance (TGGSA) image on your Dashboard to enter your membership area. On the home page of your TGGSA Membership you’ll find a video where Kathy explains step-by-step how to set up your member profile and begin connecting with other members.

Then, you’ll begin by accessing the weekly insights and teaching from Bob and receive the schedule for the monthly live Coffee & Conversation with Bob via Zoom and the live virtual workshops given by members exclusively for members, as well as access to the archive of Bob’s interview series, Conversations with Legends.

From there, you’ll engage in discussions  with members that can lead to any and every good thing you can imagine!

The monthly LIVE via Zoom Group Mentoring sessions with Bob Burg are on the first Wednesday of the month at 11:00 am – 12:30 pm ET. The sessions are recorded and you’ll have access to watch the video.

“All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to,
those people they know, like, and trust.”

—Bob Burg

The Go-Giver Success Alliance Mentorship Community is now closed. Bob Burg’s new Go-Giver Success Vault Membership will open at the beginning of August.


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Enter your contact information below and click the GET NOTIFIED button below.

Invest In Your Business…and Yourself

Join The Go-Giver Success Alliance (TGGSA) Mentorship Community today to receive all of this…

Monthly Membership

$ 37 Per Month
  • Great Value!
  • Monthly LIVE Group Mentoring Session with Bob Burg
  • 7-Day Challenge: Succeeding The Go-Giver Way
  • Weekly Insights from Bob Burg
  • Member Profile & Directory Listing
  • 24/7 Private, Global Mentorship Community
  • Exclusive Access to Conversations with Legends
  • Monthly Membership

Yes, it really is possible to build an entire professional network that will support your business for years to come…

For less than a latte per day!

This is an incredible experience that you do not want to miss!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
I believe that you should receive much more in value than what you pay for your membership. With that in mind, if you don't feel 100% satisfied that you've received far more in value than what you paid within 30 days as a member of The Go-Giver Success Alliance Mentorship Community, I insist that you allow me to refund your money, no questions asked. — Bob Burg

One last thing...

(A Special Note for Go-Getters)

We love Go-Getters (people of action). Go-getters are terrific…especially because you’re great at getting things done! HOWEVER…

The constant pressure of needing to “warm up” cold leads and compete for each and every sale or client can feel exhausting…even lonely at times.

Then again, as Joe learned in The Go-Giver, business doesn’t have to be dog-eat-dog, and you don’t have to do it alone…

There is a better way.

You can be a Go-Getter (person of action) AND a Go-Giver (a person focused on adding immense value to the lives of others). THAT is a POWERFUL combination!

Bob & Kathy have helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs learn how to connect, communicate, and collaborate with like-hearted people from around the world, and they—along with the entire Go-Giver Community—are eager to help YOU succeed as well.

It would be an honor to welcome you to
The Go-Giver Success Alliance Mentorship Community!


Please call Kathy at 775.220.6995 or fill out our contact form below.